Wednesday, January 29, 2014

tea ...

Drinking tea and thinking at different optional for dealing with confrontation (mainly on the realm of ideas) in the entire spectrum of perceptive, emotional and thoughtful. There are unleashed forces of diligent comprising the modelling reality in a way far away from usual. The creation of informatics monsters related to the combination of androids and humans is at its presence. Dread is coming thru media of compulsive ideal of Oneness. Objects are coming toward us in a multitude of facets and proprietary and just one minute of their existence may alter our perception in dramatic expansion. Sordid of life from dawn to sunset encompass the inutility of originating ideality of mankind crossing the barrier of time and also space to the frequency of this zone of multiverse. Centrifugal tendencies are obliged to dismiss their motion, favoring blackness of consciousness into the crowded stellar formations. And now turning back my attention to the tea ritual …

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