Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Inside our minds - 1

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Peripheral thoughts are always reminding us about congenital legacy of human responsiveness. We are all descendants of Oedip causality which alter our behavior to the limits of psychic transcendence. We are entering in an era of computerized manifolds which entertain the mania of con-lucrative exceptions which enter into the area of responsive executives of radiative exponents.
We are afraid of different exposures which make our postures less pertainining to the “cosmic” relevance into the overall distinction of concreteness. Considering marches of safety, the impossible seems nearby the canyon of industrial exposure. Creating falls of intermediate thinking will expand the visionary into exclusive eccentrically indicative. We are expanding our seeming correspondent star into rays of egocentrism eradicated by consciousness into expanding relations of inculcated sorrows. Concentrated absconded thoughts will prevail and the idea of pertaining to the same race covering the planet will induce the nonsense of planetary motions around the world. Traced luminosity of stars is already exposed to medieval belief in central world infringement. This intrusion elapses the conclusion of Soul-Matter primacy and an abduction will be made by the constrains of starry principles of navigators on sea.
Inside human responsiveness to altering principles, including obtrusion of elementary exponential exposed introspective, resides the conclusions of alleviatory puppets of insiders.
Exponents of rights and exclusive odor will emaciate the phantasms of flagrant existentialism into concreteness of vigil enthusiasm responding to sculptures and floral arrangements of ardent feelings. Introducing the alternated imagery of sounds and scopes will induce for certainty a state of mind enclosing the elementary and exposing the mind to the vivid introspection of Elements in their own publicity.
Mind has the unique way of intrusion into the deepest secrets of life and anguishing the real to the fearless response. The Minotaur maze will be an example of concluding scope without an recidivism into the realism of space fragmentation. The “Spirit” of Hegel is encompassed by the century pre-conceptions of: day-night, beast-human being; family-celibacy, order-disobedience, master-slave, morality-indignity, ecstasy-penitence.
Deviating into the crepuscules of unconsciousness we confront with matrices of irradiance and industrial plethora exceeding the good sense of communal inductiveness. Realization of interpretation will exceed the irrelevance of conspicuous in the favor of willingness. Interpretation of dreams resides on the dark side of irreducible factors of functors never to be reached. Excluding the noumenal capability of judgment, which Kant excluded from the deep reality of phenomenon, it remains only the exclusory privilege of consciousness of being part to the exhibition of time-space conundrum.
Time and space are equally linked to the fabric of our being and constitute the compassing into our marked journey between stars. Endeavour of this attempt were been made thousands of years ago by linking painted cave walls with alignment of constellations. Monumental enterprises were built around the Globe and humans gave their lives for trepanning this idea.

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