Wednesday, March 11, 2015

to induce

Myrtin and the world ... Feeling good and thinking to future ... Collapse in sentience of becoming ... Worried about natural and anxiety in movements ... imaging of the world without his consciousness, not possible ... time is flowing through his veines marking the events of the locally ... surroundings altered by Others to induce anxiety ... hypervigilance at some times ... destiny written already ... marking time distortion


Fluidity in thinking and acting as well
What is causality?
According the Subject with natural
Inspecting reality with senses of
rapids of thoughts


I can understand any book I read
I can write any text I want
Pleased enough by God
Will is my power
Words are merely phantasms

Till now

Myrtil knew that he can cause causality, so, he did nothing for altering the present. Awaiting for the moment when "Hegelian forces" will force the reality into halting of violence. Till now the causality is still working ...

he immersed

Myrtil was facing the destiny in its cruelty. One against the Others, the cage was as large as the entire World. Who is the observer? God? Maybe ... But Myrtil thought that his obligation is to depict the "characters" in their worst. So that he became an outcast of the times. Gaining immortality through thinking isn't so easy, so he immersed for some times in the crowdly.

Will be

"The pain will remain"
Death is not the answer
To the raw destine
Fighting against phantoms of
Past times
Will be the credo


Impersonal sentience
Mostly common among peers
Affecting the noosphere
In no way other than
Lucidity over the void

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Soul dissoluted into host
Fabric of time intromission
Decay of luminous
Rays absconding negativity
Into facial strata
Rhythms on clouds
Frenetic fogs on sky
Alergic ghosts into dark
Dance with skeleton in
Phrenesy vibrant
Fading day into
Green shadow
Cats are crying for
Hunger inside
Deposits are far away
Waiting to the friends alike
Grasping grass of weeds
Inculcating seeds
Hoping for the better
Real is the deed
Trembling soul in abyss
Retreat in inner through
Face of masking
Reduce the verbose to
Inducement of fate
Letters on screen
Never matching the truth
Council of conspiracy
Against the evidence
Duplicitary fate into
Combinatorial dual dialectic
Reading the sky
Blue no clouds
Actors are missing
Over the scene
It's vacancy into governing


Emerged from self
Words of fantasy
Never reaching the
Collapse into cascades of
Spring into grobian excursion


Beautiful expressing
Dare to hold the heart brating
Into the bteath of a flower
Reached by windy


Vertige over the sky
Expectations in await
Fabric of time apart from
Retorement of clues
Into verbose algorhytm
Fade morning inside my soul
Grabbing feelings into
Despair returning into
Night of phantasm on

Saturday, March 07, 2015


Trying to exist
It is hard foreign
Alien among humans
Creating imagery
In between

Tuesday, March 03, 2015


no doubts over the
wall I encountered
still no credo of infringements
exceeding of past into
real pass of the Moon through
diagonal of hopes

the horizons

creating causality is
you need anly a listener and
a few wired connections
then the message will spread over
the horizons of transmit

every vowel

of every vowel
into the thin air from above is
a desperate cry into the
social media
be yourself in the crucification


indoor peninsula into
exponent of free will
repudiating the exclusive power of
elite logarithmic of ellipse into
inducement from capillary


so many masks
I have to say it
so many subterfuges
inter-related into existence of
so many destinies in
the fugitive form of conundrum

Monday, March 02, 2015


quanta of consciousness
intriguing the mass of
neurotic into
excelsior of thinking
debating the whiteness and the
opacity of feelings


found in a well of hopes
taking the scenery from it
making orbital loops into
crescent of the Moon
idealizing into momentary
creating anew


credo of many into
savagery of myriads
wanting to set the crepuscle
of mind alternatives
refined to oranges scent 


I have enough time to
write another poem
before dawn
soul of mine be patient
wait for the rise of
incantation into
the lantern of vision

Sunday, March 01, 2015


battle on every letter on
every word virtual enemies in my
crisp of stands from
daily existence in


more evidences in more places
expanding the horizon into the
kaleidoscope of fantasy over the
realm in the minds of
elected to be concise in the views 


sunsets of millennium waiting to be
stopped by breath of
surrounding atmosphere into
creating the ellipsoidal of
immersing the pebbles


weather of souls into the
stormy season of coronaries
emerged from thoughts of better
into spatial gangrene of
moody rapid fires


a few words remaining to
impress the hearts of
those who deliver their
feelings to abscond an
idealistic view of World