Saturday, February 28, 2015

to their

go firm on the path of
endeavoring the favors on
others quests into explication on
rises and falls of cascades
never returning to their wells


sense and fluid inquiry into
lapsing of Moon
on sky of departure into
correspondent concrete of
pyramidal resources of fractal exposure


addressing to the mentoring
capability of indicative
concern during the trials
of exponential conducts from
inquisitory verbality


belonging to new expectations
into areal of bold and
comprising into a phrase of
terming the cold weather
into crucial exposure


words under scrutiny
odd days to come
under seized mining of
sunsets restless
coloring horizons

Thursday, February 19, 2015


hard to write under the
edict of be quietly
by Others politics
it will be an efficient
under circumferential
elevation of aspects


same figuratives
other reality
into parable of nesting
all is connected
toward the sky free of


fabric of dreams
calling for a pause
con-fronting the alienation of
into exponential expires of
breathing normally


galaxy shattered
stars away from their orbitals
paradigm added to the development of
conglomerate of science
till the truth will depart from
even an ordinated one


caught in the cage
horizons set in stars
never reaching the
Sun -
Solar System faints
into reiteration of
initial bloom

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


unlimited resources in
limited body
without a limit in consciousness
conducts to restrictions from
far away from the common

some digits

powerful numbers
of low magic concerning the
minds of Others
revealing the birth marks
on some digits


in a coffee shop
awaiting for the rest of
clients to settle
observing their responses
to stimulus and concerns
of everyday
comprise it in a thought


expecting more
to give is unlimited
confidence meaning
receiving less
confidence is increasing


backtracking a term
reality is other to
understand "de profundis"
advancing by past experience
in the both senses

Monday, February 16, 2015


myriapoda lancing the
zones into glacier
sensing the planetary
multiple of
correspondences between
white and black

by fancy

details attention influx
of thoughtful fabric
of alternate reality which
differ in sensing the
natural by fancy

some times

coloring the reality by
arrangement of spatial
into sensitive forming
stepping into framing of
some times


souls incarcerated in
their ergonomic form
wanting to be
despairing to have
singletons of fate

pasting over

sensing the emotions
of Others in the most
transparent pasting over the
words and exultation on
present flow

Sunday, February 15, 2015


dry land on
surfacing the ellipsoidal
sunset of stormy feeling
guided into expression of
fantasy mist


lancing the sky
into rainbow tremor
radiography of souls
without hopesin
changing the just rain  


designing of the theoretical
trajectory of light
candid surprise into
the eyes of Others


into the middle of
meditation just an ache
inside the hypothesis of
remembrance the sky
over the Moon spherical


following the curvature
of the humanly
consciousness into the
expired flow of intensity
meaningful stasis

Saturday, February 14, 2015


a disputed word in
figuration of conceptual
into void of
ethereal blue of
our innate


The world we know is
no part of the system
in which we believed
transformation is taking place
under our time
in beneath of our being
hyle of others

2 chose

to chose a word in
a certainty
if the story goes
never stopping
without elementary

on sensing

this has happened to me
long time ago
trapped in the rupture of
defining the evolution arrow
on sensing


don't recognize the world
the passages under the skin
of old memories seems to
passed away from the paths of
normality backing

Friday, February 13, 2015


occupied to live
mind puzzles into
the necessities ocean
formality involved in
triviality of credulity


is now
relate to this moment
of riding the peaks of
sensing the blue of
sky tablet


starting from knowable
belief in potentiality of
singularity derivatives on
the ocean of thoughts
formal submission into


signs everywhere
the atmosphere of Earth
is full loaded with
possibilities of imagination
which creates theory of everything

mimics of colors

Language of forms
through mimics of colors
into heights breath
consenting to grouping
in the water impetus

Thursday, February 12, 2015

persona changing

Stamp the Truth
Buy at

With only 20 cents per poem you can change your persona.

Enjoy the reading ...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

the order

sea in its menace
chaos to be ordered
schematics of spectra
into the order of balls
over degrees


differential into the favor of
minors tempoes
excluding solo engulfed into
exclusion of erosion into
self expositions

a cure

my consciousness search for
right words to be imprinted on
the illusory media
thinking of absinthe like
a cure of oldies

sure real

radiance of window
enlighten the room of
books and memories into
tidal waves of emotions
combined into sure real

or not

believe or not
the elementary substances are real
includes old belief in
incarnation of souls
forgotten for the grass eerie of island
never attained by frost

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


secrets in mine never to
be revealed but
the behaviorism includes the
nonchalance in the approach of
imbalanced train of events

by frigates

simple and accurate the
soul inspires calmness into
the ocean of stormy coldness
endured by frigates of
deposed warheads


listening jazz as
the end of the worldly
compounds responding to
the need of saxophone crying
into the quietude of thoughts

difference into

representation as a way of
leading the life
opened to adversities of kind
keen on details that make the
difference into survival


reading was my salvation from
continuously attacks on mine
fragrance of winter air
into the nostrils of
pure radiance of anew


new event in my life
another day confronting
the daily routine
continuing the sagacity of
trembling soul
into fabric of spatial incarnation

Monday, February 09, 2015


ghost into my mind
refracting mirroring
into exceeding coloratura of
notes into symphony
long time forgotten
since rose flourished on the
deepest gorge


sending messages to the Moon
hoping for correspondence in the
faithful agreement with physics
dependence on light
traveling the ether


finding the way of
great suplice into
ex-foliated self resting
through collaborated costume
imaging lakes of free Sun despair

deep in

deep in the dark is
a fortunate star which
engage the luminous
fabricated coldness of days
inside the helpless


saxophone in my ear
trembling the notes of
despair into fear
from unknown strangest
fable of the turmoil


new day in the interest on
freeing from reality
compound of feelings
going altering the
mood of grimace

Friday, February 06, 2015