Sunday, November 30, 2014


entourage in finding
expressions of lost
causalities in fronting the
sentiments of retracting
gossips on fragrance
of visuals into exuberance


audacity in actioning
arid entrepreneurial into
adventurous ailment of
aggregation the aids into
adverse antinomy adds in the
asthmatic assertive

founded by

lights on self
creating shadows of
incertitude into the night
of compiling ghostly secrets
on reminding truths
in the nests never
founded by saints


web of wires into
wired World of
wrangled waste on
cranked corner of
conscious creation
into vocalized vowels
of verbs into voice of

an array

being into the mood
of sentience
sample of good and
exiting the normality of
Self in an array of
decaying irreducibly motion
on possible horizons


forming craters on
characters alienating
souls on stopped
ending plays of
water evacuated from
developing injections of
mountain caves

of credulity

entered in the Arena
collapsing Colossus
writing odes
reading tablets of
ancient wisdom
fermenting the fews
in ways of credulity
which accomplished the
duality into

by byte

byte by byte arranging the scene
in differential
creating spaces of odds
manifolds of wired spacings
into separated wings of
the creature on World's exposure


Sensing movements of
Currents of airy illusory
onto eccentric concentrations of
Ideas into exponents of
Illusory righteous sediment

a new

Forming a new synapse
into the Earth crust
Letting the shamanic apart
In the deep of the crescent
Which evolves into pure Spirit
Fabricating the truth out of


Combined lateral coercive
Dogma into stigmatic
Realizing the duality into
Normal perplexity of

Nature of

The fog of icy
Hypnosis into the
Eyeless of minding
Credulity in expressing the
Nature of owning a Soul 


Moving the objects in
My area of influence into
The feeling of secure
In creating the spacing into
Credential of rupture over
The reality of morphs

Of inside

Into the mind of
The death of feelings
Features of wind and rainy
Gorges within the atmosphere
Of inside the inductive 


Not understanding the country of
Beginning into cultural
Needs of vowelling the help of
Retired conscious into
Expressing the grief of
So deceiving


Engraved Past in the languge of
Destiny into relief of
Hilling in the plain speaking
Resisting the weather downs and
Concerning the idiom


Residing in the upper of
Demanding attention into silver of
Ages and demanding
Dependence on Others
Feelings and eyes never
Lying fronting the


Strokes on the paper
Strokes in the air
Strikes in life patter
Images on the devices of
Less import
By centripetal exchange on
Surpass the falling


Singled without chances to
Revive the Past into the
Future movements of
Congregate stations on
Silencing the nurture of
Dare's wish

Saturday, November 29, 2014

the favor

Retrieve the odds on crystalline eggs of perfect horizon knowing the alternate concrete on sabbatical of senses due to existence of para syllabic into re-entrance of scholastic in the reality of due creation ... Symbolist endorsement on deceiving the mostly in the favor of tenured positioning.

Some ...

Sensing the time of changing the paradigm of congregation into exponent of grandiose exposure to light inflict ... Some turnings on firings toward sentiments and feelings of freely spirits of the noesis spiritual thoughtful ...


Directional existence of flourished sentient on colored existence of perturbed ... Noumenal credo of injured into reality of self occupied mindedness ... Severity existentialism of forming the idealism on words and creatures of pencil into frames of momentary.

on canvas

Explaining to myself what was happened: decadence of Forms and illusory dreaming on a theme of framing the Time … Incandescence on reality exposed into words of montages which comprise the autumnal of a minute … Realms of vintage dreaming into corresponding scintillation of starring faces on canvas of whitening scars.

of necessity

Long distances between the vowels, between the letters, between the writings … Am I too old to decipher the meaning of Sun rays on rose leaves? The winter of Souls giving the pray on relief of changing the retro into foliate distinguished: craving for needed into exponential feeling of necessity.

crude realm

Letting the words of sentience to envelop the becoming of freedom into frames of speedy timing … Combining letters of gross with blunt exposures into radiance of forms: some nouns are predicative, some verbs are instantiating the crude realm on synonym of synthesis ...

erratic expose

Seems as atmospheric changes of Earthly combined into existential paradoxes of wild fictions … Combined feelings into erratic expose on seemingly sentient framing the eclipse of outer white into luminescence … Territorial evanescence of refrained correspondence into subdued indoor of consciousness.

into eager

Made of Soul and blood, the thoughts into existence of illusory, seemingly the realization on dreaming the better for the World … Fashion as ways to deliberate the past into the futuring of Ideas … Warning on growth of business called by angry and fancy to accomplish the hard times into eager Present.

some words

Changing from poems to some words into a story …
Scent of autumn nights into realms of calmness, world is at peace with its achievements and everyone seems to understand the reality of the minute which accomplished the scenery of comprehensive … It's no word of complimentary but the atmo'sphere of no returning dominion ...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Resistance of all forms
Creating gaps into formal
Verbose actuating of
Recreating the old into
Dual fabric of concrete
Escaping the modalities

Monday, November 24, 2014

my twin

It was an earthquake after this
I throw the dices hoping
For an answer
It was 2:1
That's all I've got
I thought the odds to get that
Big enough
The same as 6:5
But the reverse was the opposite
Battle on my twin
In the Other Universe having
Problems and needing more help than I
Can offer

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Exclusions of

Erratic moves into closing
Techniques of evasive
Congruences in existence
Formatting character on
Exclusions of simulations

into referential

Exclusion by rest
Inducing fabrication of
Closures into the posts
Insistence on suburbial of
Credo into referential


Re-entrance to the misty embassy of
Endorsement into exponential crescent
On tranquility of secure
Response into simulation concluding the
Answers of Heavens

obstacles of

Surmount the obstacles of
Irremediable on daily
Fist on the window of
Theatrical systematics
Mounts of info on credentials

breaking on

Credit in the facing
New culture of
Oldies facing breaking on
Surroundings and atmosphere of
Inducing emotions in elevated space


Posterize the feelings
Into eccentric inducements of
Reality colors into
Genetic exclusion of
Dare intransigence on

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Dangerous sensing of
Inside the curriculum into
Exclusive vision of
Granted sphere in


Immature syllables into
The clouding reality of
Conscious deprive from
Dangerous backtrack on
Science for Others


Dancing into the Moon's shadow
Away with the wolves voices
Windy apparition into mask of perfidious
Clustering the chances of winning
In differences over turning syndrom

over seconds

Nights of delusional response into
Existence of uncreate
Distances over seconds of light
Remembrance of futuring the
Colors of reality

Past into

Docent into areas of
bilateral exquisite of mantras
Surrounding the grounds of
Past into foggy smog
Helpless inside resistance


Differences in opinions and
Secrecy of mass invading
The platform of creation into
Exclusive forming of
Credential illusive surmounting the


Legitimate fronting the disaster
For coping the system
Which infers the
Bluntness of sepulchral
Insidious changing

Monday, November 17, 2014


Daemons into logic of
Commonly used
language of
simply minded
Existence into resistance of
Into self nested birding


Not mentioning masquerade of
Election Day
Into subconscious
Of altered into
induced reverberations

of daily

Three muskets into one firing
Alarm excluding the
Needs in supply and
altering senses of
many in needing
complying for existence of daily

of view

Endings with congrats
Facing honesty majestic into
Realty of
Gorgeous gorges
into mountains of view
never attained


The idiot, the expatriate and the fat
Into the coalition of Nation's
Existence of subliterary


Existence into the Hell of
Cruelty aspiring to
Ecstasy of completion never
gain into battling
excruciating One instead of many
into killing ...
we are


Retards are walking around us
No complexities of our part
They plotted instead a
Scheme of simplistic which
Altered our minds into
Egocentric existence
Mingled into repentance
Poor of us and of Them


Screening the books written
Screening the votes received
Arranging the exhibits
Into calculate mind suppress
To the gourmands and
Men without ...


Pseudo thinkers in a World
of change and transition to
something for the best
Illusions sold in screens of
numbering and counts
delusion in free contracting the
manifest of will

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wigley hull steady flow sources in FORTRAN77

Wigley hull steady flow sources in FORTRAN77:

assnod.f --- First source for free

      SUBROUTINE assnod(inputf, nomodi)
      implicit none
      character*(*) inputf
      logical nomodi
      character*72 smthg
      double precision DVOL
      double precision SL
      double precision SB    
      double precision SD    
      double precision XG    
      double precision ZG    
      double precision ZB    
      double precision S0    
      double precision S1    
      double precision BMT   
      double precision BML   
      double precision KAPPAT
      double precision KAPPAL
      double precision P
      double precision FSPanW,FSPANWP

      double precision fFSL
      double precision aFSL
      double precision FSL, dFSL
      double precision FSW
      double precision eps
      double precision FSPB
      double precision sum
      integer fNPFSL
      integer aNPFSL
      integer NPFSW
      integer NPFSL
      integer NPFS
      integer NGRFSL
      integer NGRFSW
      integer NGRFS

      double precision FSP

      integer NET
      integer Nmax
      parameter (Nmax=2501)
      dimension P(Nmax,3)
      dimension FSP(Nmax,3)
      dimension FSPB(Nmax,3)
      dimension NET(Nmax,4)
      integer i, j
      common /topo/P,NET
      common /fs/FSW, FSL, dFSL
      open (unit=10, FILE=inputf,STATUS = 'OLD')
      open (unit=11, FILE='.\nodes.dat',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN')

      do 100 i=1,7
        read(10, 101) smthg
100   continue
101   format (a72)

      read(10, 102) DVOL
      read(10, 102) SL
      read(10, 102) SB    
      read(10, 102) SD    
      read(10, 102) XG    
      read(10, 102) ZG    
      read(10, 102) ZB    
      read(10, 102) S0    
      read(10, 102) S1    
      read(10, 102) BMT   
      read(10, 102) BML   
      read(10, 102) KAPPAT
      read(10, 102) KAPPAL
102   format (21X,d12.5) 

      read(10, 103) smthg
      read(10, 103) smthg
103   format (a72)

      read(10, 104) NGRD, NGRDL, NGRDH
      read(10, 104) NPNL, NPNLL, NPNLH
104   format(7X,I6,1X,I6,1X,I6) 

      read(10, 105) smthg
      read(10, 105) smthg
      read(10, 105) smthg
105   format (a72)

      do 300 i=1, NGRD
        read (10, 301) P(i,1), P(i,2), P(i,3)
300   continue
301   format (6X,3(1X,D15.8))

      if (nomodi) then
        do 350 i=1, NGRD
     &          *(1.d0-(P(i,3)/SD)*(P(i,3)/SD))
     &          *(1.d0-(P(i,1)/(SL/2.d0))*(P(i,1)/(SL/2.d0)))
c     &          *(1.d0+0.2d0*(P(i,1)/(SL/2.d0))*(P(i,1)/(SL/2.d0)))
350     continue
      end if

      write (11, 11) 
      write (11, 12)

      write (11, 13) NGRDH, NGRDL
      do 3 i=1, NGRD
        write (11, 1) P(i, 1), P(i, 2), P(i, 3) 
3     continue

1     format (3(F20.15, 1X))
11    format ('TITLE = ', '"NODES"')
12    format ('VARIABLES = "x" , "y", "z"')
13    format ('ZONE ', 'I=', I3, 1H, 'J=', I3, 1H, 'F=POINT')
15    format (I4, 4(1X, I5))

      read(10, 106) smthg
      read(10, 106) smthg
      read(10, 106) smthg
106   format (a72)

      do 400 i=1, NPNL
        read (10, 401) NET(i,1), NET(i,2), NET(i,3), NET(i,4)
400   continue
401   format (6X,4(1X,I4))

c     ------------Free Surface

      do 500 i=1, NGRD
        if (abs(P(i, 3)).lt.eps) then
          FSPB(j, 1)=P(i, 1)
          FSPB(j, 2)=P(i, 2)
          FSPB(j, 3)=0.D0
        end if
500   continue


c     no of panels on FS


c     no of grid points on FS

c     free surface length & length of the panel

c     -----------fore part

      do 600 j=1, fNPFSL
        do 700 i=1, NGRFSW
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 1)=P(1, 1)+dfloat(fNPFSL-j+1)
     &                          *fFSL/dfloat(fNPFSL)
c          sum=sum+FSPanW(FSW, i-1, NPFSW)
c          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 2)=FSW-sum
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 2)=FSPanWP(FSW, i, NGRFSW)
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 3)=0.D0
700     continue
600   continue

c     -----------ship side
      do 630 j=fNPFSL+1, fNPFSL+NGRDL
        do 730 i=1, NGRFSW
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 1)=FSPB(j-fNPFSL, 1)
c          sum=sum+FSPanW(FSW-FSPB(j-fNPFSL,2), i-1, NPFSW)
c          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 2)=FSW-sum
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 2)=FSPanWP(FSW-FSPB(j-fNPFSL,2),i,NGRFSW)
     &                          +FSPB(j-fNPFSL,2)
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 3)=0.D0
730     continue
630   continue

c     -----------aft part
      do 660 j=fNPFSL+NGRDL+1, fNPFSL+NGRDL+aNPFSL
        do 760 i=1, NGRFSW
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 1)=P(NGRD, 1)-dfloat(j-fNPFSL-NGRDL)
     &                          *aFSL/dfloat(aNPFSL)
c          sum=sum+FSPanW(FSW, i-1, NPFSW)
c          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 2)=FSW-sum
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 2)=FSPanWP(FSW, i, NGRFSW)
          FSP((j-1)*NGRFSW+i, 3)=0.D0
760     continue
660   continue

      do 800 i=1, NGRFS
        do 800 j=1, 3
800   continue

      do 900 j=1, NPFSL
        do 950 i=1, NPFSW
950     continue
900   continue

c     ------------ end Free Surface      

      write (11, 13) NGRFSW, NGRFSL
      do 4 i=1, NGRFS
        write (11, 1) P(i+NGRD, 1), P(i+NGRD, 2), P(i+NGRD, 3) 
4     continue


      open (unit=12, FILE='.\net-fs.dat', STATUS='UNKNOWN')
      do 5 i=NPNL+1, NPNL+NPFS
        write (12, 15) i, NET(i, 1), NET(i, 2), NET(i, 3), NET(i, 4)
5     continue


      implicit none
      double precision FSPanWP, WW
      double precision aa, bb

      dimension aa(3,3), bb (3)
      double precision Cmin, Cmax, PanWm, PanWmin, PanWmax
      integer i, NW


      if (i.eq.NW) then
      end if

      if (i.eq.1) then
      end if

      call gaussj(aa,3,3,bb,1,1)      

Outsourcing the Computational Fluid Dynamics Projects

Outsourcing the Computational Fluid Dynamics Projects
seakeeping programs available soon
FORTRAN77 sources for steady and unsteady

Show your interest by comments !!!!

write to me on

C U :)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

into clouds

Emerging consciousness in
Wiring the conduct of
quanta resilience into
Fibered light beam
of particles crossings
exhibited into clouds of

of randomness

Depart of senses
Into the rationality
resides the bits of
Credo into self
organization of info
about inductance of
framing positioning in time
on evolution of randomness


Maze of pathways in
renouncing to radial
Exposure of inference
in probabilistic wave of
reminding the stream into
Phrasing of erasure the historicity


Sincere isn't the notion
Understandable by many
Foldings of reality
Explicit in serene
Durable sayings into existence of
Hard consciousness problematic


Inside the box of
simulating excuses for
Disposal of sentience into
the blues of


Assistance in spacial
Time deducted from
Grouping fractality
into existent framing of
layers of terminate compound
reminding singular of existence


Course in retracting the
fibers of convenience into
simplified erasures of
deducting coins of
irretrievably into
the sense of numerous

of imposed

Bits surrounding the core
inside the prophesy of
demanding alternates to
ways of conducting the
experimental into new
paradigm of imposed delusion

of convergent

Seemingly syrupy into
Fluids of convergent
Exposure to
Matrices of closure
To radiance idiosyncratic
Of formatting the old


Effect on consciousness
Underestimate under subliminal
Synthetic erasure of form into
Earning the firmness in
actioning in certainty
at distance

the bones

Constitutes of trust
Into exponential lack of
re-minding the bones into

into emerged

Human response to
Demanding inquiries of
Algorithmic sentences of
representation the holding of
the only
belief into emerged fabric


Irony into existence of
Factual derive from
the path of induction into inferencing
the restless of grouping by
Annotation on sincere
difference into selfish


Surrounded by absence in
Deciding without matrices of
Close-ups into
Existential erasures of
Consciousness flaming the
Neuronal intrepid


Increate losing of departure into
Softness of thinking including
Self reliance into
Exposition of remaining credo
Constituting the self
Going toward framing


Synthetic closure of
responds to queries of
denominators inside the
credulities of verbose
demands remaining downside of
streaming the originality


Spectator to illumination of
Grayness irradiation on represent the
Phenomenon glassed in the
Bottom of the well
Designed into phrasing interlude of
Speech prologue


Logic exposure to
Demands of web crossings
Into erasure of oldies
Exponential syndrome of
Surrogate on language differentials

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

the principles

Synthesis over equations
Of reminding the principles of
Losing over chance
The coordination into framing
The gradual past
by absconded institute of depth


Fluidic remorse of
Terminal determination in
Lifting the compassionate
Into self estrangement
Duality in negation of
kind onto
responsiveness of gyration to
gradual vertical opening

into vicinities

Flow experiencing the paths
Of trajectories into vicinities of
Edges and surfaces of limiting
Inlets of derivations the
Suspension into turbulent
Influencing outputs of variables


Bubbles in the Ocean of
thinking fast and deep
avoiding impressionism on
seduction of idealism comprised
Into senseless representation of
configured realm


Simplifying isn't enough in the
Tardive disconnection from
Appearance into functionality
Of sensory immediacy
Deducing inlet terming

of encryption

Power of insights into
Semblance of computational
Disposition of reducing the
Being to mere ghost
fantasy of encryption into
pattern of algorithm


Immediate link into
Connectors insight
Finding paths of convergence toward
Core of the limitations
Responding to the adding
Fluctuation on tenebrae

Into the phasic

Seconds counting movements
Into spatial
Reducing trajectories of inference
Into the phasic statement
Of deducting synaptic sentences

of blurred

Sentient wind of blurred
Into group of axiomatic computing
Allergy to bugs
Redundancy into extremes of

on unmarked

Chess on unmarked table
With figurines in gray dispositions
Moving toward goals of
Determinate scores into
Equality of sensing the
Frantic ventures


Scripting on record of
Series of duration into
Blackness of resting
Across the Ocean of
Inside the nest of unknown


Bear the intransigence on
Departure of seasons into
Exposition of gradual erasure
Measured into the scale of
nano lapses of curvature


Rituals emerging fro configuration of
Space inside the closed
Imposing thinking on certainty
Disfiguring sacral into
Masks of resentment
Outing the fear


Configuration of landing over
Flight mechanics including
Disposal of emergency
Into tide of wings
Exposure to transient
Sadness completion


Broken chain of causality
Durate into simplified
Extension of concerns length
Including systemic
For behavior into media of


Study on phrenology
Considering gestures and mimics
Developing charisma on
Free thinking of
Figurative motions

As mantle

Dragging rain over me
As mantle covering
Forestry in Soul
Figuring the movements into
The universal sensing

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Finding the solution of
extreme gesturing
clued in relaxation of
stance imprinted on
deterministic syntagm


Vesperal treats
into hymns of hypnosis
directed toward
successive beats of
indicating concerns
to linear threats
signified by seated
postures of prosaic


Orientation of zonal
Fixation into
collected from collective
remained unaltered by
fluctuations in the system
of dreaming alternatives
fronting the phenomenal

in fleeting

Framing the time
in fleeting tonality
composing drumming
symphonies within
substitutes of vision
errata deduced
by backtracking inference of
rapid exclusion on
deduction the immanency


Synthesis in replacement of
Figuration on observing
The prismatic causality
Simultaneous moments
Of redundancy transmitting
signals with high velocities
within the ether void
Falsities inducing stepping
into remembrance of
clarity visionary


Gained tincturing of
Losing exceptions from
derivations into deductions of
Meanings from depths
emerging into serial
Spectrum exploited in
extremes configurations
exceeding the fairness

into figurative

Symbols invading the
mental space into
polishing the facets of
conundrum raising
questioning of import into
Merging the depths from
determinants into figurative
meaning of illustrative


Returns of theories to the
principles of ancients
glasses in the grass of
woods openings
restoring the ordered
mentality toward
hosting the shadowing


Anthropology on experimenting
The imponderable clouding
Of chaos
Tamed in behavior
By nonlinearity extremes
in ergodic limitations


Grouping structures
Suspended in the autonomy
Of rules and axiomatic principles
Acting as media trough
Thus invading the
Immersion into the orbit of
condor eyeball

the paths

maginary axis of time
Complexifying the space
Curling the paths of
Into domains of historical
Invading dominions of
focused attentiveness


Immersed reality into the
Collective “Dasein”
Suspended instant of
choosing the most improbable
odd into reversing the

by observance

Refraction into expand of
beams of sounds
enriching the Universe
by adding particles of ephemerality
into circuits of
Existence as being confronted with
dividing by observance
One and many problem
as Parmenides stated


Evolution of suspense
Into credits of no cognizable
descent into the caverns of
consciousness depending only on
separate uniformity of
linearizable autonomy

on wave

Obsession on wave function
governing probability of becoming
Into existence as
certainty or illusory
bringing hope for depart regions
from wealth and
edging the components from


Hamiltonian operates
within classical bounds
of relative convergence on
analytical solution of
conceivable mechanics
Intruding functors of
well posing into

Introducing sense

Discretization of trajectories
Within the domain of phases
Waves of energy impulsioned
and potentiality
in arrival of
incoming corpuscles by inlet and outlet
of the environment
Introducing sense of time and
diversity in becoming


Trajectories within multiphase
Recreating the mind deviations of
observance of evidence to
Impulses in rated velocities of
centripetal tension

cube inside

Discretization of a cube inside the
Phase space
Requirements of relativity
rounding the domain
self encryption entropy functors to
avoid rupture in space-time
eccentricity in immersion of inertial


Horizons into accents
Of systemic novelty
Arbitrary commands of
excludes the evidence
inside the manuals of right

bits of

Fall in Soul
Matter fragmentation into
bits of sensorial
grouped in clusters of
Filled with words
inflated by salted sails

void compressed

as an expediter of
Beams into the ether
of void compressed by
time inverting
Losing fractional of quanta
into stepping thru
potentiality rain of possibilities
Excluded only by
diffraction in quantum


Form altered by hyle
manipulation of wave functor
Waves fronting the gates of
stochastic relevance into
realm of seldom
Criterion of entanglement


Metrics of taxonomies
Including semantics of
Exponent into self responding
Deducing bold attribute to
inductance into booting sequence
Conserving falsities of fake servers
Reduced to packages

relics are

Entering the area of
Developers of soft media
Which influence the derivation
On stimuli stimulated
by aesthetics
relics are reticences to the new entries into
The dictionary of verbs
Inducing proverbial
Lapse of controversial paradigm


Inference is a paradox of
Mixing alteration in logic
grouped by rules
of data in ordered chains
simplifying the algorithm
Into almost machine language


Leaves as differences to
combined colors of
Twisted webs of intersection
into the area of feelings mixed
with arrogance and expectations
Far from equinoctial equilibrium
Find in stones arrangement of


Exceeding the power of
exponent into field of cosmogony
Derived from source point of
Potentiality in the event horizon
Leaving the congruency for ethereal fractals

Into equilibrium

Stability inside the compendium
Of Lyapunov secrecy in
Developing functors of
uniqueness correspondence
Into equilibrium balancing
Stating motion routine


Fluorescent behaviorism into
The mist
Creates craters of envies
Exults of radiance into merry
Inherited senses of persistence
Joy in the relative
Singular time of departing from
The presence of acute


Erased future favoring
Experiencing again and again the
Past into concurential threads of
Impulses read by
Lights of speeds
into Irradiate concerns

of concentration

Relativity in a cup of coffee served
By a waitress of
Timeless aged lapse
The coin of foam in the middle of concentration
Reducing my chances to
Eccentricity of thoughts
Entirety in movements is
of senseless

of distorting

Plans in different forms of
Verified systemic
Exfoliated by ideas
In concerning the fable
Ending stating
Grouping of distant corpuscle
Into fascicle of distorting


Feather of candling
Concerns in the sky
Beginning of the era
Which trace the past into
Movement form of
Ellipsoidal orbits of
Systems around wells of
Vortexes exponentiated by
Crepuscular estrange


Markovian states into
Feebleness of redundant criterion
Formed by gangrenous ductility of
Dormant insight
Visibility zero to distant
Listening of denomination


Signifiers tormented by
Correspondence between
relevancy and static syndrome
Fronting the space of words with
collateral distances in thought
Inflated synergy

in the blueprint

Gray thoughts of empty
Spiral in meanings
Finding ways of stretching the
domain of garment the garden of
Light iridescent in the blueprint of


Determinate instances of
Fixed figuratives of
Latent current into
The fluency of crossing
termination of cycle
By straining grasp of understanding
The faint hopes


Single determination of instant
Which alters the phrenology of
Crowding alarm into
Sensuous becoming reduced to
Alien conduct
Insight of deformity


Residence in the dominion of
Cropping erasures of time differences
Into closures of phantasmagoric
Premiere of credential grouping of
clipping determinate

of sentience

Dust and rocky fragments into
The storming fragrance of
Realizing exhibits of sentience
Inside matrices of distances
Belonging to precision of momentary

of fixing

Infinitudes of foreign keys
Aligned by stars into
Constellations of fixing conceivables
Disturbing the calmness of seats
In the diving profundis of
Synthetic nonchalance


Trembling in the windy ambient
Crescent Moon of Self senses
the impasse of stepping into
Conscious fabric of mind
tempted by rose beating of pendulum

in passes

Blunt formation of sensitivity
Predominant in passes over the distant horizons
Darked by thinking in advancing the
Completeness of firm reality
Conducting to serene leisure


Sides of leviathan empty cascade
Of ruins crawling into the city by
Motricity of wings deformed in
Grobian exceeding of representation
Inclined toward stylish


Synthesis from realm of completitude
Insights of dormant fears
realizing imagines of mirroring
invasional sets of barricades
accessing the retraction

forest of

Edging the possibility imperfected by
Sonorities of clouding attitudes
Surrounding the forest of chaotic
Simulated in laboratories of docent


Sincerity imposed in acceptance
The ridicule guidance of lyes
Retracting the duality and influence of
Negativity of responsiveness into
Frenetic analysis


Acronyms veiled by acceptance into
Surrounding suggested ambiental
Conjugating permanence of
levitating surpass of destinies ever
Changed by tremolo

by crests

Symptomatic fidelity into
Spectra of light scent influencing
Legibility of formal confidence
Eroded by crests of Spirit
Accepted in plethora


“Differance” in emptiness of
Spatial coordinative inspired by
Tandems elevated by temperamental
Impulses coiled into
Inward weird cognitions


Matrices superimposed in
Posturing greatened in
Spying the formless of
Coloring the sky with
Emotive sequences of
repetitive fugitive


Stability in sycophancy
Immersed into concentration of
Inner toward
Durance of time inside a second of
exposure to radiative latency


Defensive attribute into
“Créance” of platitudes on
The land of gnomic frankness
Realizing torture into filling the
Emptiness of space


Loci inside normality
Combining ether fragrance with
Linear exposure to voidness into
Relational displacement of
Similarities induced only by


Fall into the deep
Merging commotions exploring sensitivity of
Flower nourishment siding
Edges of consensus into
Betrayal in progress

into silence

Substitutes of gestures aligned into
Arrays of events tempering
Spirit into silence of
Beginning the
Belief in humanity spiritual


Fidelity in detailing the
Correspondence between hosts of
Same factual realizing
Things of import in the credo
Of remembrance the lost imperfection

Attention given

Attention given to detail of
Minor fragility excluding
Realness from bottom of
Rest into the seat of
Comfort reduced by
Classical exposition


Blessing in Soul from
Creativity in flourishing of
Carnation subjugated to steady
Intransigence corrupted only by
Artificial infinity


Tired of nothingness
Implosion in senses acquainted
With syndrome of artificial
Consideration given to spectral
Exposition of derogation

Sunday, November 09, 2014

flourishment in November


The path of faith
Is to be embraced in
Humble attitude
Creating auras of wisdom
which leads to purity in Soul
I will enter thru
The door of trusted ones
keeping my head down


Credo in one more than in many
Grab the chances
of twisted game of life
exploring bended horizon offered
by God
Exploring always the opportunities
Into respect of Others personalities
Searching for the Creator wish
Into illumination of thought


Wave function governing the
Hypercubes of probabilities
Others are passing unobserved
Thru life
I have to pass thru gates of
because dices were favorable to me and
that makes envy arouse


Barriers along the shore
The city is closed in silence
The churches bells are beating
For believers and not only
There are tough times
Clouds in pink are menacing the
Temperamental moods
Into crests of anger
I try to stay cool


Past and present twisted
In a strange way
Will ever determine my future
Universe lines are arranged
In functors and eigenvalues
Waves of probability are traveling my ocean
Of existence
Diffracted only by rocky formations of accidents


Composite thinking in allergic
sounding technique of finding the escape for embarrassing
Traps on me are so evident so that
I'm in the position of giving up to riposte
Acceptance of fate with faith

my hope

Tempest over my Spirit
Abundance of thoughts
conducting to worries
God is my hope
To escape from hunting of fate
Yet deciphering my road in life
A ray of light will make my day


Transit thru the World
Absurdities in commonly
struggling to live
bohemian conduct
eccentric in approach
understanding the complicated
more than simplest
sole soul
indecipherable even when explicit
moderate temper
no anger
fear of God


Entangled spirits
communicating thru space
Far apart
sense of unicity
craving for duplication in
wintering the senses
in the coldness of judgment
erosion of routine
calmness in fronting the destine

Just me

It's happened:
In this World
On this continent
In my country
In my home city
On my street
In my block
In my apartment
It's me
Just me – an observer


Branches of sinuous alternatives
Always in continuity with rapids
Gorges standing still
Confronting flow of turbulent
Into calming the souls of temerity
Sun is on the edge adjusting the
Falsity of ghostly rainbow


Transit to efficient
Space and time as a continuum
In which I have to survive
Equations of quantum mechanics
Still puzzling
Finding elegance in approach
Cosmic of sonority


Rituals of daily
Submerged pole in water
Studying the effect in the ripples pattern
Convergence of solution
Improving meshing
Preparation for a web seminar


Stepping on the rocks of floating
Reality concerned only by
The obstacles either humans or situations
Stepping in the light
With Sun warming his back
Wings are beginning to unfold on his shoulders
Credence is great
And the voice became voluble


Combining ethereal links between things
Of differential nature
Hyperbolic ego in action
Stating valuable dogmatic
Within bare imagination
Influencing centuries to come
On his trails
A conclusive life
“Dasein” in its fulfillment


Symphony of particles emerged from
Drumming explosion at the beginning of time
Condensed time as well as matter
evolving into instruments of heavenly orchestra
Our hearing is limited to Earthly sounds
Flat perspective in which waterfalls
unveil the complexity of bizarre combined with randomness
a taste of untamed


Redundancy in our life
Makes things more supportable
Events of tragic change
The perspective into gray
Rain is the cry of Heaven
Umbrellas are mourning symbolics


Alone with my thoughts
Drinking sparkling water
In the silence of the night
The sky is hiding the Moon
Maybe isn't there at all
Freedom limited by ratio
parabola in mood
Concrete ticks of the clock
Remind me of tomorrow


Grave entourage rescuing
fringes of dominions
sabbatical rest into the natural
clarifying sunsets and sunrises
Into luminous perspective of
Confronting the fierceness of
Elements within Self
Increment the inference
with rationality


Spatial orientation depending on time
credence is firm in flatness of humans
grouping the problems into lesser
Filling in the days of balance
Substitute for dreaming
Quaker in formation


Trapped in the web of conventionalism
Deducing reactions of dull normality
Reducing at minimum the interactions
Absconded emotions into “tatemae”
Angry with me for inadaptation
Fitting in a small coffee shop


Silence in the Soul
That's meditation
Listening your breath
Freeing the evil from Self
Creating bridges of concerning
Toward living
Substances reduced to an essence
Void around your person
Remaining you in front of the Creator


Printing emotions on a beat of heart
Exterior resides in concentric circles
Around my brain
Anchors of reality filling the gap
With webs of uncertainty
Hurrying the reactive into
Exposition of snapping doors

Saturday, November 08, 2014


Estranged “Dasein” corrupted by impersonal
Occupied with conversational
Facing anteriority in factual
Judgment adjusted by various
Uniqueness imposing credo
Of locus


Out in the ether
Resides the purity of thinking
Light is not altered by inference
Singularity of Self expresses
The deepest
Margin of the spherical intuition
Collides with horizontal calmness of
clock beats

Where reflections

Stone surfacing the pond
Concentration of circles
Occupying the liquidity of medium
The ripples are reaching the shore eventually
Where reflections is returning the favor of
Inducing interferences in thoughtful


Temptation of leaving the path of conventional
Entering the dominion of exploring the
Concerns of mind occupied
By fabric of controversial thoughts
Doomed road of introjection
Rejecting theories of evident
Remaining focused in alert


Spectrum of possibilities dictates the
Natural exposure to minds
Fragility in functional expressions
Gives the uncertainty in allegory
Hyperbolic introspection is tricky
Giving dogmatic lastings
Into credulity of boldness
Sensitivity flourish into blurred