Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Free the Asiatic spirit
Diligently in spoke and
Reverberate the exclusive into
The merging concrete


Free the Asiatic spirit
Diligently in spoke and
Reverberate the exclusive into
The merging concrete

In time

Compound in a well-positioned
Extravagance of alteration
In time and ultimately space of
Creation into unknown correspondence

In time

Compound in a well-positioned
Extravagance of alteration
In time and ultimately space of
Creation into unknown correspondence


Erasure of thoughts in the middle of
Afternoon settings which
Includes the rest
Into irremediable anchor to
The sky


Erasure of thoughts in the middle of
Afternoon settings which
Includes the rest
Into irremediable anchor to
The sky


Concluding the obvious
Is a compelling personae which
Excludes the minimal from
Intricate complex


Concluding the obvious
Is a compelling personae which
Excludes the minimal from
Intricate complex

in the measure

Existing in a pill of
Conscience and doing nothing
About that
Is the injury too extended?
Could be in the measure of

in the measure

Existing in a pill of
Conscience and doing nothing
About that
Is the injury too extended?
Could be in the measure of

Run isn’t

Doing methodical expire
Into veracious compound
Explicit conundrum if exegesis of
Druids are false and
Run isn’t free

Run isn’t

Doing methodical expire
Into veracious compound
Explicit conundrum if exegesis of
Druids are false and
Run isn’t free


Correspondence between the two
Members of the allergical atmosphere of
Doing almost nothing to alter the
Creeping quest in reverse


Correspondence between the two
Members of the allergical atmosphere of
Doing almost nothing to alter the
Creeping quest in reverse

he only

Unrecognizable pretend of
Millions according to
Exposure in a certain way
Walking on the streets in
Obligate exposure
tFinding he only path

he only

Unrecognizable pretend of
Millions according to
Exposure in a certain way
Walking on the streets in
Obligate exposure
tFinding he only path


Excluding the way of
Doing things
Don’t matter what
Is a perpetration into our being
Cumulated with accessories of
The last terminating meal into
Exponential expose


Excluding the way of
Doing things
Don’t matter what
Is a perpetration into our being
Cumulated with accessories of
The last terminating meal into
Exponential expose

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Finding a way of allergical
Industrial into microscopic being of
The Multi-verse
Excluding nano from robotics


Finding a way of allergical
Industrial into microscopic being of
The Multi-verse
Excluding nano from robotics


Including exposure is necessary for
Anticipation of moments which
Alters the minds in in-congruency to
Antiques ex aqua 


Including exposure is necessary for
Anticipation of moments which
Alters the minds in in-congruency to
Antiques ex aqua 


Elaborated traumas in conditions of
Conjugated imposture from
Initiatives of legacy
Induced by congregation of


Elaborated traumas in conditions of
Conjugated imposture from
Initiatives of legacy
Induced by congregation of


History  as adjacency in
Allergically fugue from intubation
Of crucifix exposed to Kantian
In entertainment postures


History  as adjacency in
Allergically fugue from intubation
Of crucifix exposed to Kantian
In entertainment postures


Correct longitude of spherical
Includes the One
Which intrudes the corpuscles
Into the mem-brane of


Correct longitude of spherical
Includes the One
Which intrudes the corpuscles
Into the mem-brane of


Reality is not what you see
Is what you get
That’s why it is less
Than you imagined
In your perspective


Reality is not what you see
Is what you get
That’s why it is less
Than you imagined
In your perspective


Consistency in meaning
Among the weight of World
Considering existence as a
Superfluous inducement of
A mind


Consistency in meaning
Among the weight of World
Considering existence as a
Superfluous inducement of
A mind


Quadrilateral is the force which
Pushes us into forward direction
Industry of i-something
Is on the rage
Due to no confidentiality of data
At all


Quadrilateral is the force which
Pushes us into forward direction
Industry of i-something
Is on the rage
Due to no confidentiality of data
At all

of alchemy

Robots in a world of rudeness
Barbarians in language and manners
Ages of alchemy are necessary
To revive the wisdom
Lost in the mean-time

of alchemy

Robots in a world of rudeness
Barbarians in language and manners
Ages of alchemy are necessary
To revive the wisdom
Lost in the mean-time

of forces

Spherical but finding where
The exactness of forces
Which governs the Universe
In its unity thru
Destination of unfolding the

of forces

Spherical but finding where
The exactness of forces
Which governs the Universe
In its unity thru
Destination of unfolding the

Sunday, February 16, 2014

a moment

During substance constitution
Was a moment of interplaying with
Considerate forces of magnitude
Of cognoscible import which
Altered the machinery of chords

a moment

During substance constitution
Was a moment of interplaying with
Considerate forces of magnitude
Of cognoscible import which
Altered the machinery of chords

is marking

Strings altering the flesh
The time is marking its domain by
Dormant analogies of
Absconded thinking in bottles
Thrown in the ocean of possibility

is marking

Strings altering the flesh
The time is marking its domain by
Dormant analogies of
Absconded thinking in bottles
Thrown in the ocean of possibility


Wounds in crossing the barrier
Between the worlds of
Intercrossing properties
Just in between the substance

to ocean

Visibility in the sense of mist
Crossing the streets in
Continuity to ocean vastness and
Irregularities of shores

to ocean

Visibility in the sense of mist
Crossing the streets in
Continuity to ocean vastness and
Irregularities of shores


Wounds in crossing the barrier
Between the worlds of
Intercrossing properties
Just in between the substance

Simulated by

Trusted multiverse of computing
Into the tasking of realness
Simulated by gamblers in
Erroneous positions

Simulated by

Trusted multiverse of computing
Into the tasking of realness
Simulated by gamblers in
Erroneous positions

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Planetary inducement in
Complexity of functions for
Divergence operators
Self-explanatory redundancy
Will employ the creation of chaos into
Organized combinatory


Enroll in the future Self
From delays of imagistic
Latitude of fortune will
Employ the correspondence
In the heavenly creation of
Surrounding Spheres


Enroll in the future Self
From delays of imagistic
Latitude of fortune will
Employ the correspondence
In the heavenly creation of
Surrounding Spheres


Planetary inducement in
Complexity of functions for
Divergence operators
Self-explanatory redundancy
Will employ the creation of chaos into
Organized combinatory

imagery toward

Dying is a holomorphic extruding of
Falling in a black hole
No escape and the finitude of
Last imagery toward Earth
Fortunately the identity isn’t lost
It is scattered in the noosphere

imagery toward

Dying is a holomorphic extruding of
Falling in a black hole
No escape and the finitude of
Last imagery toward Earth
Fortunately the identity isn’t lost
It is scattered in the noosphere


Parallelism as a form of subsisting to
Weighted industrial
The way of including distortion into
Fabric of space which includes
Time as a vibrating string


Parallelism as a form of subsisting to
Weighted industrial
The way of including distortion into
Fabric of space which includes
Time as a vibrating string

a separation

Matter used in barbarian fabrication
Ignoring the microscopic laterality
Of destinies
Concluding in a separation from

of concise

Labor to be done on imaginative
To alter the curtain
Departing from the horizon
Reaching the formation of minds
Altering the realm of concise

of concise

Labor to be done on imaginative
To alter the curtain
Departing from the horizon
Reaching the formation of minds
Altering the realm of concise

a separation

Matter used in barbarian fabrication
Ignoring the microscopic laterality
Of destinies
Concluding in a separation from

In spatiality

Membranes of different extensions
In spatiality of differentiates
Containing substantiality in the form of
Community with creators of the
Mind gaming

In spatiality

Membranes of different extensions
In spatiality of differentiates
Containing substantiality in the form of
Community with creators of the
Mind gaming

depart us

The impossibility of cutting the
Few inches which depart us from the
Parallelism of forms
Adding in such way a new
Dimension in our pity life

depart us

The impossibility of cutting the
Few inches which depart us from the
Parallelism of forms
Adding in such way a new
Dimension in our pity life


Francs in the pocket to
Concreteness of daily
Imposing dignity altered by
Ongoing events from


Surge of waters into the
Shore of desperation
Credulity is on the verge
Absconding pretentions of
Sure inductiveness


Surge of waters into the
Shore of desperation
Credulity is on the verge
Absconding pretentions of
Sure inductiveness


Francs in the pocket to
Concreteness of daily
Imposing dignity altered by
Ongoing events from


Creation of a Universe from
Letters and thoughts into
The credulity of humility
Stepping into the singularity of the
Membrane hole


Creation of a Universe from
Letters and thoughts into
The credulity of humility
Stepping into the singularity of the
Membrane hole


Intubation into evolvement
Crescent of the lightness from
Ages of dark to founders of
Intrusion into the consciousness


Intubation into evolvement
Crescent of the lightness from
Ages of dark to founders of
Intrusion into the consciousness

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Including form

Map of erodible
Including forms of eroding
Into inclusion of hyle
Exponent of fluidic


Fluids of creation
Finding the way of verbal
Into erratic concreteness
Subjugating the spheres
Of sky


Fluids of creation
Finding the way of verbal
Into erratic concreteness
Subjugating the spheres
Of sky

Including form

Map of erodible
Including forms of eroding
Into inclusion of hyle
Exponent of fluidic

crescent inducing

Reality as inducement of
Hardware crescent inducing
Being in correspondent
Excitement of circles into
Cycloids exponential

crescent inducing

Reality as inducement of
Hardware crescent inducing
Being in correspondent
Excitement of circles into
Cycloids exponential


Islanders of concupiscent into
Erroneous reality from
Inducement of realness into
Excitement of sunshine


Islanders of concupiscent into
Erroneous reality from
Inducement of realness into
Excitement of sunshine


Standing in a island of obsolete
Listening to the same love songs
Instead of creating derivatives of
Concentrating energies into
Exclusion of obscurity


Standing in a island of obsolete
Listening to the same love songs
Instead of creating derivatives of
Concentrating energies into
Exclusion of obscurity

to invent

Space as xyz is obsolete
We have to invent an irradiant
Cosmos which alters
Not only humanity but
Creation of fabrication in itself

to invent

Space as xyz is obsolete
We have to invent an irradiant
Cosmos which alters
Not only humanity but
Creation of fabrication in itself

of the tunnel

Math and the complexity
Is to be the light of the tunnel
Into mission of evading from
Ever clinch of endorsement

hard way

Yes, it is a path
Clothing the consciousness
In a hard way but
Industrial isn’t just enough
To permit the uttering
Into the space

hard way

Yes, it is a path
Clothing the consciousness
In a hard way but
Industrial isn’t just enough
To permit the uttering
Into the space

of the tunnel

Math and the complexity
Is to be the light of the tunnel
Into mission of evading from
Ever clinch of endorsement

is not enough

We live n an isolated island
Computing is not enough
To Alter the symbiosis of singularity
Creating masterpiece of loneliness
Will be the entering into islanders

is not enough

We live n an isolated island
Computing is not enough
To Alter the symbiosis of singularity
Creating masterpiece of loneliness
Will be the entering into islanders

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Singularity in exposition of
Corresponding faculties
Intromission is fade from
Compulsive excessive into
Errata of benevolence


Singularity in exposition of
Corresponding faculties
Intromission is fade from
Compulsive excessive into
Errata of benevolence


Termination of culminate in
Crossover inducement Thru
Culminating erosion
Of irradiant culminate


Termination of culminate in
Crossover inducement Thru
Culminating erosion
Of irradiant culminate

in the dark

Suffer in a way of
Dormant excruciating
Illumination in the dark
Of fabricated exposure

in the dark

Suffer in a way of
Dormant excruciating
Illumination in the dark
Of fabricated exposure

in director

Introversion into calmness
Infringement thru entrainment
Of constraints in director of
Orchestra of strings
Which alter the reality

in director

Introversion into calmness
Infringement thru entrainment
Of constraints in director of
Orchestra of strings
Which alter the reality


Dating the source of invariant
Correspondence of intruding
Into expulsion of radiance
From inductance of expulsions


Dating the source of invariant
Correspondence of intruding
Into expulsion of radiance
From inductance of expulsions

Friday, February 07, 2014

of ancients

Creating a multiverse is easy:
You and me together in a cell
Sharing the proprieties of ancients
Including bad and combinatorial
Intrusion into the exponent

of ancients

Creating a multiverse is easy:
You and me together in a cell
Sharing the proprieties of ancients
Including bad and combinatorial
Intrusion into the exponent

the outing

Repress the outing
Induce the augmentation thru
Falsified concrete into exception
Of Unilateral dismiss

the outing

Repress the outing
Induce the augmentation thru
Falsified concrete into exception
Of Unilateral dismiss


Departure from Earth
Intrusion into a sphere of
Inducement and
Circular endorse into
Exponential acquisitions


Departure from Earth
Intrusion into a sphere of
Inducement and
Circular endorse into
Exponential acquisitions

of creation

Creating multi-verses of
Responding creatures into
Events of creation
Responding to augmented
Caloric of industrial

of creation

Creating multi-verses of
Responding creatures into
Events of creation
Responding to augmented
Caloric of industrial


Obliterate the ingenious spectral
Into multitude of conspicuous
From altering intrusions into
Responding Chancel


Obliterate the ingenious spectral
Into multitude of conspicuous
From altering intrusions into
Responding Chancel

Wednesday, February 05, 2014


Cusped hourly glass
Introducing the new sphere of
Hyperbolae into the era of
Conspicuous randomness of clauses


Existing noumenal
Fixing ideas and rendering thoughts into
Retrain of corresponding skills
From simple void to
Exceeding force


Existing noumenal
Fixing ideas and rendering thoughts into
Retrain of corresponding skills
From simple void to
Exceeding force


Cusped hourly glass
Introducing the new sphere of
Hyperbolae into the era of
Conspicuous randomness of clauses

beings with

Time as a mingled universe which
Entertain the beings with
Collateral reductions into
Effacement of pro into the counter
Effect of introversion

beings with

Time as a mingled universe which
Entertain the beings with
Collateral reductions into
Effacement of pro into the counter
Effect of introversion

of syllogism

Somnolent inducement of
Events of capital import
Deducing subscribers of syllogisms into
Exceptions which alter time

of syllogism

Somnolent inducement of
Events of capital import
Deducing subscribers of syllogisms into
Exceptions which alter time


Erroneous stone
In the calendar of sepulchral
Will create the dooming of
Practice of crepuscule into the
Noumena of adjoin

of never

Believe in faith
Never absconding the phenomena
Which includes the perspiration of
Combined adjunction inducing
Clauses of never ending
Sleep will entertain this with
Combinatory elapse

of never

Believe in faith
Never absconding the phenomena
Which includes the perspiration of
Combined adjunction inducing
Clauses of never ending
Sleep will entertain this with
Combinatory elapse


Erroneous stone
In the calendar of sepulchral
Will create the dooming of
Practice of crepuscule into the
Noumena of adjoin


Including speak into verbal
Will affect the consciousness
With creative thoughts into
Re-creative models


Obliged to lie fronting the
New sphere of interrogation
Into the Negativity of Soul
Combined with Self-duplicity


Obliged to lie fronting the
New sphere of interrogation
Into the Negativity of Soul
Combined with Self-duplicity


Including speak into verbal
Will affect the consciousness
With creative thoughts into
Re-creative models


Obliterated view fronting
Antinomies from androgyne
Combining parlors into exhibitionist
Manner of forming excludes
Into manor of proper land


Obliterated view fronting
Antinomies from androgyne
Combining parlors into exhibitionist
Manner of forming excludes
Into manor of proper land

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Exponential calmness

The sound of alleged centuries
Provokes us to alliteration in deeds and
Climax of software involved in
Deconstruction of Logic of Hegelian
Into pieces of objects irradiated into
Exponential calmness of senses and

Framing a new technology of soft

Exponential calmness

The sound of alleged centuries
Provokes us to alliteration in deeds and
Climax of software involved in
Deconstruction of Logic of Hegelian
Into pieces of objects irradiated into
Exponential calmness of senses and

Framing a new technology of soft


Skies of planetary into
Oriented surfaces of divulgating
The ordinates of signaling
Includes alien info teleportation
Of degrading pills into our

Juncture of media correspondence 


Skies of planetary into
Oriented surfaces of divulgating
The ordinates of signaling
Includes alien info teleportation
Of degrading pills into our

Juncture of media correspondence 

of ages

Inculcating idea of Force
Obliged the Impetus to retreat into
Mystical of ages and
Correlating the conception of
Thought in extremis will be the
Fortunate of irradiative power of

Least of the squares

of ages

Inculcating idea of Force
Obliged the Impetus to retreat into
Mystical of ages and
Correlating the conception of
Thought in extremis will be the
Fortunate of irradiative power of

Least of the squares


Music of our organic completitude
Into the easiest way of “translation”
Into everyday idiom is
Correspondence between functionality and
Mere atmosphere of oxygenated
Inclusiveness into our lungs and souls pertaining to

The same breathing as Universals


Music of our organic completitude
Into the easiest way of “translation”
Into everyday idiom is
Correspondence between functionality and
Mere atmosphere of oxygenated
Inclusiveness into our lungs and souls pertaining to

The same breathing as Universals


Paradigm of causal into
Expression of diligence over
Conspicuous trace of literacy toward
Programs of reading diagonally
The extremes of Earthly changing


Momentary the relief reaches
Neurons in cascading curtains
Of Impetus thru contingency and
Simultaneity at the same
From corresponding traces of morphe


Momentary the relief reaches
Neurons in cascading curtains
Of Impetus thru contingency and
Simultaneity at the same
From corresponding traces of morphe


Paradigm of causal into
Expression of diligence over
Conspicuous trace of literacy toward
Programs of reading diagonally
The extremes of Earthly changing

to analyze

Few momentary of lucidity
Pushed to extremes
Obliged to analyze the tantalizing
Of correspondence between zones of
Influential redirections

in the mist

Hazardous infringement of
Thoughtful into reading the texts of
Centuries lost in the mist of
History which repeats with obstinacy the
Ideals of immortality of flesh congruency

in the mist

Hazardous infringement of
Thoughtful into reading the texts of
Centuries lost in the mist of
History which repeats with obstinacy the
Ideals of immortality of flesh congruency

to analyze

Few momentary of lucidity
Pushed to extremes
Obliged to analyze the tantalizing
Of correspondence between zones of
Influential redirections


Preference to solitude
And kind of honesty toward the Divine in
Obliterated environment which
Consists of puzzling ideas
Concreteness of One in its multiplicity


Preference to solitude
And kind of honesty toward the Divine in
Obliterated environment which
Consists of puzzling ideas
Concreteness of One in its multiplicity

separated from

Against the system which splits the
Society in aliens and so called “normality”
Prisons are everywhere including
Our minds separated from Essence of


Distributed attention to things
Which alter our perception on
Importance of life in its
Contingency and simultaneity


Distributed attention to things
Which alter our perception on
Importance of life in its
Contingency and simultaneity

separated from

Against the system which splits the
Society in aliens and so called “normality”
Prisons are everywhere including
Our minds separated from Essence of

in streaming

Creating foundation of thinking in
Altered basis of consciousness
Preventing disruptions in streaming the
Necessity and causality

last minute

Alternate combinations of letters
Within the grammatology of last minute
Changes from dormant to active
Insisting on calibration of forces
Of import for ego

last minute

Alternate combinations of letters
Within the grammatology of last minute
Changes from dormant to active
Insisting on calibration of forces
Of import for ego

in streaming

Creating foundation of thinking in
Altered basis of consciousness
Preventing disruptions in streaming the
Necessity and causality

Saturday, February 01, 2014


Within the territory of impatience
Lays a membrane of wind and
Sureness which includes
The coordinates of falsity within


Within the territory of impatience
Lays a membrane of wind and
Sureness which includes
The coordinates of falsity within


Intruders are coming into
Spot intersections altering
Focused consciousness into
Reality of Noumenon
Inter-changing views of apocalypse

with anterior

Creating flakes of thoughtful into
Erased memories from
Orchestral dimension of
Literacy in doomed
Correspondence with anterior stepping

with anterior

Creating flakes of thoughtful into
Erased memories from
Orchestral dimension of
Literacy in doomed
Correspondence with anterior stepping


Intruders are coming into
Spot intersections altering
Focused consciousness into
Reality of Noumenon
Inter-changing views of apocalypse


Casting thoughts in alleviated
Manner of truth and practical from
Embassy of icebergs into
Dominion of eagerness and

Responding to

Responding to actuality in
Confrontation with exceeding energy of
Consumed potentiality including
Restless expressing of
Emergencies callings

Responding to

Responding to actuality in
Confrontation with exceeding energy of
Consumed potentiality including
Restless expressing of
Emergencies callings


Casting thoughts in alleviated
Manner of truth and practical from
Embassy of icebergs into
Dominion of eagerness and