Friday, December 31, 2010

Address you my best wishes

To All My Friends

You are terrific and amazed,
Because you are so good I want to
Address you my best wishes
To you
And making you to think about

Address you my best wishes

To All My Friends

You are terrific and amazed,
Because you are so good I want to
Address you my best wishes
To you
And making you to think about

Monday, December 27, 2010

Earth hope

- Picture from -
Sky in red: atmosphere is burning,
Ancient beasts emerge from abyss
The World is terrified by anguish
And Hope doesn’t dare to show itself.
Earth is coming to the End of suffering
And is raining over the terrifying wounds.

Earth hope

- Picture from -
Sky in red: atmosphere is burning,
Ancient beasts emerge from abyss
The World is terrified by anguish
And Hope doesn’t dare to show itself.
Earth is coming to the End of suffering
And is raining over the terrifying wounds.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Sensitive and attentive:
The reality becomes transformed;
Transformed into something candid,
Only the appearance is doubtful
And the reality transforms
The obvious into sensible certainty.


Sensitive and attentive:
The reality becomes transformed;
Transformed into something candid,
Only the appearance is doubtful
And the reality transforms
The obvious into sensible certainty.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The play of free will

Photo by FishKAA on

Consciousness is something relative:
There are moments when is intricately vivid
Other way is waiting the rightness ...
Somehow we manage to live with it
Even I don't really believe
That we are subjects to the free will.
We are playing the God's game
Every moment of our Existence.

The play of free will

Photo by FishKAA on

Consciousness is something relative:
There are moments when is intricately vivid
Other way is waiting the rightness ...
Somehow we manage to live with it
Even I don't really believe
That we are subjects to the free will.
We are playing the God's game
Every moment of our Existence.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lulu buy my new book !!!

Support independent publishing: Buy Thoughts on Lulu.

Lulu buy my new book !!!

Support independent publishing: Buy Thoughts on Lulu.


You have everything
in continuing to have absolute nothing:
Except money
An indispensable treasure which
is so necessitate to
Entertain your happiness ...
Progressively in time this will be an "illusion"
Of fade:
will you ever think of "me"?


You have everything
in continuing to have absolute nothing:
Except money
An indispensable treasure which
is so necessitate to
Entertain your happiness ...
Progressively in time this will be an "illusion"
Of fade:
will you ever think of "me"?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

altered reality

Cezanne with the modern "aids"
Will transform reality
In something recognizable
By cyborgs of today's life.

altered reality

Cezanne with the modern "aids"
Will transform reality
In something recognizable
By cyborgs of today's life.


When nothing else goes
Try Nature in Itself
To freshing your Spirit.
Rationality is of no help in
The everyday struggling ..
Out there will be an relief
To the thirsty Soul.


When nothing else goes
Try Nature in Itself
To freshing your Spirit.
Rationality is of no help in
The everyday struggling ..
Out there will be an relief
To the thirsty Soul.

Sunday, November 07, 2010


I own three packs of cards:
Dacian, Roman and Mongolian.
I’m not sure that all
Are complete:
The most certainty
Is given by the first one.
It is the older and still the
Complete one and
With it I try
To catch
Other cards with the same
Background to maintain the play
As long as possible.


I own three packs of cards:
Dacian, Roman and Mongolian.
I’m not sure that all
Are complete:
The most certainty
Is given by the first one.
It is the older and still the
Complete one and
With it I try
To catch
Other cards with the same
Background to maintain the play
As long as possible.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Living structure

A marine structure in waves:
Incoming sea will definitely affect her behavior.
Still is a way for a metaphor:
The incoming waves being placed in a surreal plane
And the structure remaining only by itself
To deal with the imaginary storm:
The phenomenon will influence primarily the structure
By creating diffraction around the structure
Like in washing a fine sculpture …
And the splashes of water revealing
At once and in the same time his qualities
And also her deficiencies.
The second effect is the murmuring
Of vessel behaving in such way like a living creature,
Creating energetic radiation waves out of nothing
(If you exclude the bang of the initial signal)
In all directions.
This cannot be observed otherwise
Due to the overwhelming tumult of the real sea.

Living structure

A marine structure in waves:
Incoming sea will definitely affect her behavior.
Still is a way for a metaphor:
The incoming waves being placed in a surreal plane
And the structure remaining only by itself
To deal with the imaginary storm:
The phenomenon will influence primarily the structure
By creating diffraction around the structure
Like in washing a fine sculpture …
And the splashes of water revealing
At once and in the same time his qualities
And also her deficiencies.
The second effect is the murmuring
Of vessel behaving in such way like a living creature,
Creating energetic radiation waves out of nothing
(If you exclude the bang of the initial signal)
In all directions.
This cannot be observed otherwise
Due to the overwhelming tumult of the real sea.


In a glass of water so many happenings:
The drop transforms the surface
Into a “volcanic” shape
It’s just a wonder that is so much energy
Emanating from a small amount of
Pure water which can create
Living formation
With her own identity and


In a glass of water so many happenings:
The drop transforms the surface
Into a “volcanic” shape
It’s just a wonder that is so much energy
Emanating from a small amount of
Pure water which can create
Living formation
With her own identity and

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Sometimes the ethics just don't go
With inner feelings:
Like observing the flowers "inside" my house,
Contrasting with "outer" reality.
We are duals by nature,
Accepting these will create tensions inside us ...
Refuge in art is the ultimate arena
Of confronting our duality.


Sometimes the ethics just don't go
With inner feelings:
Like observing the flowers "inside" my house,
Contrasting with "outer" reality.
We are duals by nature,
Accepting these will create tensions inside us ...
Refuge in art is the ultimate arena
Of confronting our duality.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Imagine in Green

Imagine a World of Green:
Every color will be
A nuance of the Green,
Although in interior
The green beings
Will let to flow
The imaginative colors
Of Yours.

Will be called then Green, “green”?

Imagine in Green

Imagine a World of Green:
Every color will be
A nuance of the Green,
Although in interior
The green beings
Will let to flow
The imaginative colors
Of Yours.

Will be called then Green, “green”?

Friday, October 01, 2010





Still Nature

Still Nature

Gray altered

In gray everything is questionable,
Mind is not altered nor tormented
By the Colors;

These surroundings of mine are showing
The “influence” on having
On it.

Give me some colors in my life
To overturn the Inevitable!

Gray altered

In gray everything is questionable,
Mind is not altered nor tormented
By the Colors;

These surroundings of mine are showing
The “influence” on having
On it.

Give me some colors in my life
To overturn the Inevitable!


Couple in Blue
Will be a surprise for
She imagines a strong man aside
And He imagines a fragile woman
To protect.

It is the Balance of the Divine Law
To resolve this alchemy.


Couple in Blue
Will be a surprise for
She imagines a strong man aside
And He imagines a fragile woman
To protect.

It is the Balance of the Divine Law
To resolve this alchemy.


It is a cross line between
Evil and Good:
To cross it is up
To your Belief.


It is a cross line between
Evil and Good:
To cross it is up
To your Belief.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Before and After

Before and After

the One?

The star-ship is awaiting
For a Commander
Is He the One?
The Time will decide
In his flavor.

the One?

The star-ship is awaiting
For a Commander
Is He the One?
The Time will decide
In his flavor.

Cosmic presence

Cosmic presence


In hard conditions
The pilot is in great dilemma:
To listen of his instinct or
To his superior commands.

Sigma Sigma One Omega fighter
Depends on Yours alchemy.


In hard conditions
The pilot is in great dilemma:
To listen of his instinct or
To his superior commands.

Sigma Sigma One Omega fighter
Depends on Yours alchemy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

surrounded by Spirit

We are surrounded by Spirit
Which guide us into Uncertainty …
The blessed ones are touched
By Saints
Who guide them and look upon their

surrounded by Spirit

We are surrounded by Spirit
Which guide us into Uncertainty …
The blessed ones are touched
By Saints
Who guide them and look upon their


"Into thy hands I commit my spirit." (Luke 23:46)


"Into thy hands I commit my spirit." (Luke 23:46)